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R Yohanan says: We learn fear of sin from a maiden (betullah). He heard of a maiden who would prostrate herself saying "Master of the World! You created Gan Eden and Gehinnom (hell), the righteous and the wicked. May it Be Your Will that I not cause men to sin."
for years I toed the line. believed in the reciprocal community arrangement of mitzvot. we are all responsible for each other and we all help each other fulfil what they need to fulfil. the laws of tznuit (modesty) are there because we do not live as isolated selves but we are connected to and affect others around us. So women have been covering up in order to help men have a more spiritual life... but what do we get in return? is there any support from the men to our spirituality?

The discussion about modest dress normally begins with a worthy line about keeping the female body beautiful and special - the king's daughter's beauty is within, but ends with shame and disgrace. judging women and their bodies and labelling, not as beautiful or special, but vessels for sin and temptation to sinful behaviour. walking talking yetzer horas (evil inclination). Making women ashamed not celebratory of their bodies, their curves, their sexual selves.
Like an alcoholic blaming the bottle of wine for their own inability to only have 1 or 2 glasses, the men blame the women for tempting them, for their lack of control.

going back to the quote, the maiden (the hebrew is betullah, a virgin) this sexually inexperienced young girl is praying to God because she is afraid of sin. but whose sin is it? Not hers, but the men who may be aroused by her body. Her body who the 'Master' created.
This is a story that men tell themselves about women. It allows men to abdicate their sexual responsibility as they tell themselves that women have taken this role on. It sexualises young women, and puts their bodies in a context of shame and disgrace.

as ever... so powerful! I love the women, their expressions and the ways that they are concealing themselves. It's very realistic - very relate-able. Kol Hakavod!
oh this one is sad jaq, or perhaps it's just resonant of an attitude that i know well and has always pained me. let's hope we don't pass it on to our girls.....
can't help thinking about this one... the men see an object of beauty but are transformed by it in a negative way, rather than a positive way... is that because men's appreciation of beauty is tainted by their need to own it? Whereas a woman's beauty is never fully owned, it's consciously temporary... also, men are mostly idiots...
Adam: men may or may not be mostly idiots. but one of the strong messages of all of this is that young women learn that men are silly creatures, with an out of control sex drive and not able to be responsible. Not a bad lesson to learn, you may add, but is this really the way men want to be seen? Shouldn't halacha (Jewish law) refine and set aspirational goals for self-improvement?
Zahavit: I know it is sad. we can only try with our girls...
I am deeply touched and impressed with this series, WOW! I had no idea you did this type of work, must take hours. I would like you use it in one of my Jewish art classes, let's talk permission!
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